This post was originally posted on my Swedish dev blog, happy kodar.

Earlier this month I spent a few days in Copenhagen and attended the Nordic Game Jam’s 10th anniversary.

It was a fun and exciting experience. I stayed at a hostel together with other jammers and I managed to find some new friends, although many of them were Danes.

Prior to the jam there was a pre-party where you could drink beers and play some games together (go check out Stikbold!). Friday offered some good talks and I especially enjoyed the ones from Blizzard, Ojiro Fumoto and Adriel Wallick which got me inspired to do Game a Week. Butt I’m putting it on hold for now.

The theme for the jam was “Leak” so a lot of jammers ended up adding leeks to their games.

Champions Leek

Team: Me and three Danish guys. 3/4 programmers and 1/4 producer/artist.

Idea: From about seven different ideas during brainstorming we settled for “Rocket Leeks” (later changed to Champions Leek for some odd reason). A local multiplayer racing game for the Google Chromecast where the player controls a leek with their smartphone. The goal is to be the last leek standing in this crazy party game. What went well: Found a great team and almost completed a game. Unity was stable enough on Linux (yay).

What went wrong: Too much hassle with Unity Remote on Linux. Hard to implement accelerometer input when you can’t test with a phone. Didn’t have time to implement multiplayer due to the Unity Photon plugin not playing nice. Unity is hard to get right with git and we basically destroyed our repo after a few hours ☹️. What I learned: That Denmark is quite cool and that precaution must be used when putting a Unity project under version control, yikes!

Flying Leek Mr. Leek is happy to be flying in the game.

What’s next?

Now I’m off to play some of the jam games and do some more coding.

/ Rasmus