
I have decided to go public with my first 30 day challenge of the year. And as in the definition of the word “first” (being before all others), I am going to make this a lifestyle change and not just a one off.

For thirty straight days I won’t be biting on my fingernails! I have tried this several times before but got to a point where the impatience got me in the end.

This time it’s different.

How will I do it?

  • With more knowledge, experience and a HUGE drive to go from Unbearable to Unstoppable!
  • I have you guys to keep me accountable for following through on my promise and I want to be a man with high integrity 🙂
  • Runner gloves to wear at all times when the urge gets to tough (is this cheating?) 😀

Hal Elrod is talking about The Miracle Morning Facebook Community (which as of this writing has 79 085 members) in his podcast Achieve Your Goals. That seems like a good group to join in order to get and give support. The more people I tell the better, that means I’m more likely to perform (that’s how psychology works).

The episode on accountability and 30 day challenges got me even more motivated to continue changing my life for the better.

Oh and btw there will be a follow up post next month where you can see my progress. The current state is horrible and I thought this to myself last night:

Grow your fingernails like a normal person and Don’t chew them off like a psycho!

That was all for now.

Leave a comment below and continue to stay awesome. I am always up for criticism or talking about life in general (because there’s a lot to talk about these days).

Take Care,

/ Rasmus